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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 6 - Monday, July 12 Assign 3

Assignment 3

Part A – Right off the Shelf
Sacha and I deal with many students who have difficulty with organization and memory. The students who always lose things or spend class time looking for something (Oh I don't have an eraser or a pencil) The student with the book bag that is overflowing with paper stuffed in it and when working on a test say “Oh it is on the tip of my tongue, I just can't remember the details”. They may or may not have an LD. We went into the dollar store with these students in mind.

We decided on an organizer to help keep students vocabulary organized or to store their cognitive cue cards. We found a picture album that would be a great way to store these items. They would no longer have to shuffle through the cards and loose track of where they started, or have one accidentally fall on the floor while using them. They can organize the album into subjects or have one for each subject. Colour is also very important for students who have difficulty with organizing. They have them with more pages as well but we thought the 2 cards per page layout worked well for vocabulary. They can cover up either the word or definition to quiz themselves.

Milieu – They can use it at school or at home.
Personality – Student has trouble keeping track of things and time management, wants to improve habits to be more successful at school. Has used cue cards for studying vocabulary before.
Technology – easily portable, lightweight, does not make student look different from others
Task – organize and help with studying and memory deficits
Time – instead of writing vocabulary onto looseleaf they can do it on cue cards and will spend less time routing through book bag looking for the cards.

Ten other low AT at the dollar store:
1.coloured dividers
2.colored sticky tabs it notes
4.coloured magnetic clips for organizing locker
5.pencil grips
6.calculator with large buttons
7.magnetic picture frame (could be used on whiteboard to show a picture of lesson topic)
8.roll on glue tape – for students who have a hard time using liquid glue or a roll of tape, this rolls on much like liquid paper
9.balloons for gym class
10.paper clips for students zippers

Task B – Creating your own AT

Keeping the student in task A in mind we went in search of something we could create to help keep them more organized. We came up with a couple of ideas. One was to take dividers and use construction paper to create a pocket to hold the handouts for that subject in it. This way the student does not have to open up the rings on their binder but simply place it in the folder. They can still see the page, can easily flip through to the one the teacher is asking for. This is instead of stuffing it into their book bag at the end of class and getting lost. Then we thought about an even worse habit we would like to help a student with: Coming to class with nothing to write with!! We found a small garden tool belt that we changed by sowing a bit of the strap together so that it would clasp around the front cover of the binder. We then velcroed the pockets shut so nothing would fall out and labeled each pocket. The student will now have all their pencils, pens, highlighters and erasers at their disposal for working in class. It is not easy to lose because it is attached to the binder. It won't make then stand out to other students and it is easy to use.

Melieu: in school, in any class.
Personality: student has difficulty organizing things and is always losing things. Knows they need to have their supplies for class but always seems to come to class unprepared. Has tried other suggestions but they have not seemed to work.
Technology: a device that stays with the binder to hold and organize the supplies needed to be successful in class.
Task: to have all supplies needed for class to do the tasks assigned by the classroom teacher
Time: student will now be able to focus on the task they are assigned instead of looking for something to write with.

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas Elizabeth! I could see using your organizational tools even with kids at my level, (2/3) maybe hang the organizer on a desk somehow.
